
Asa Sumba International

We help you to ask “Who says no?”, challenge your thinking and partner you to achieve success, whatever that looks like for you and your business.


We draw on a range of disciplines, theories, methodologies and techniques to create a tailored solution to your need or problem. While we can do everything from conducting a gap analysis and developing your capabilities statement, to project managing a full-scale step change, our core work falls into four main pillars. You’ll find these listed below, along with some of the key concepts we base our work on. Don’t get hung up on the jargon. The main thing to know is that we have a very big toolbox and we’ll match our approach to your business every time.

Is Asa Sumba right for you?

While we work with a broad range of clients and industries, typically business owners or professionals come to Asa Sumba with one of the following needs:


Stabilising after speed

Your business is experiencing rapid growth, but your systems and processes haven’t kept pace and you’re aware this is a risk.


Gearing up for growth

You want to take your business to the next level, but you’re keen to work smarter, not harder and put in place the right support structures ahead of time.


Ready to innovate

You’re looking to innovate or evolve your offerings, customer base or operations and are open to fresh thinking or building sustainability into your business.


Making stuff happen

You’re too busy working in your business to execute projects that will deliver gains for your business and are seeking a partner to make it happen.

We’ve worked some big gigs

(but we love the small ones too)

End-to-end project management of the infrastructure to support Papua New Guinea’s first commercial rice industry. Find out more.

End-to-end project management of the infrastructure to support Papua New Guinea’s first commercial rice industry. Find out more.

Tangible business results through continuous improvement for a multi-national manufacturing company. Find out more.

Tangible business results through continuous improvement for a multi-national manufacturing company. Find out more.

Identifying new growth opportunities and strategic partnerships in the industrial electrical and automation sectors. Find out more.

Identifying new growth opportunities and strategic partnerships in the industrial electrical and automation sectors. Find out more.

Don’t just take it from us…

Find out what people have to say about working with James and Asa Sumba.

That’s enough about us…now we’d like to talk about you. Specifically, your commercial objectives for the year ahead, the opportunities for your business, as well as any gaps or constraints, and how Asa Sumba can partner you to realise your vision for 2021.